So you have tested positive for COVID-19 - what now?

Here we have pooled lots of useful resources to help you through this difficult time. The first one from Health Navigator is a useful series of videos and resources.

Please report self-administered RAT test results, both positive and negative. Do this online through My COVID Record or phone 0800222478. Without this we will not be able to get assistance for you should you need it.

If you test positive and report your RAT result you will be sent a text and asked to complete a questionnaire. This information will determine if you are likely to self manage your COVID infection or if you need phone monitoring and support. In mid-February Medplus took over the role of supporting our more high risk patients by phone.

Do not panic! Most of you will be able to manage nicely at home without medical support. This is important to remember. Our health systems will become very busy, so let us ensure that those that need help can access it, and if you can manage with online advice then please do. You do not need to inform us that you have COVID.

The majority of patients, about 90%, will be able to self-manage their illness in the community. If you are self-managing, as long as you are doing all the right things, like self-isolating, you do not necessarily need medical help or advice unless you begin to become unwell. You will be risk assessed to determine how often you will get support phone calls and follow-up from the telehealth team. General practice has been told that we will not be seeing COVID-positive patients in the community - it will only be via telehealth or hospital-level care. Those needing more intensive monitoring will be given regular phone calls and potentially provided with a pulse oximeter to monitor their heart rate and oxygen saturations. In the event of a deteriorating illness, a transfer to the hospital will be arranged. ALWAYS SEEK HELP IF YOU BELIEVE YOUR CONDITION IS CONCERNING OR DETERIORATING.

For information about hospital-level care click below, but remember it is very unlikely to be necessary if you are fully vaccinated and boosted.

It is really important to monitor your symptoms and compare them from day to day, even if you only have mild symptoms. Download a symptom diary below.

You may experience very mild or no symptoms.

Call your healthcare team if:

Call 111 if you:

What to expect on Days 1–3

Early symptoms of COVID-19 vary widely.

Even if you have a mild COVID-19 infection, avoid running, workouts, weights and high impact activities until you've been cleared by your healthcare team.

What to expect Days 4–6

These are important days to be more aware of your symptoms. This is when lung (respiratory) symptoms may start to get worse, especially for older people and people who have other conditions like high blood pressure, obesity or diabetes. Some people will not go on to get any other symptoms.

What to expect Days 7–8

What to expect Days 8–12 (week 2)

Continue to monitor your symptoms

You may feel better sleeping on your front/stomach or side

If you start to feel worse, contact your healthcare team.

What to expect Days 13–14

How to manage your symptoms

There is no specific treatment for COVID-19. It is important to rest at home and drink plenty of fluids.

Treatment is aimed at easing your symptoms. Your healthcare team may suggest the following medicines to ease your symptoms.

Ways to help your breathing

COVID-19 research from other countries has shown that changing your body position when resting can be helpful to ease your breathing. This increases the flow of oxygen to your lungs and improves your comfort. Rather than lying only on your back, try resting on your stomach and on your side. Change position every 30 minutes to 2 hours, rotating from laying on your front, left side, sitting up, right side and then back to laying on your front.

Sitting upright in a chair is also useful and may be more comfortable after drinking or eating.

Mental Health

When you have COVID-19, the physical symptoms of the illness may be obvious and are important to monitor but taking care of your mental health and wellbeing is also important. Remember you can talk to our Health Improvement Practitioner or our Health Coach for free if you need help with your mood.


Even if you had a mild COVID-19 infection, avoid running, strenuous exercise and high impact activities until you've been cleared by your healthcare team. Healthcare professionals advise a slow, gradual return to activity. People with severe symptoms and people who needed extra treatment due to low oxygen levels may still feel unwell and tired. It may take some time to recover.

Everyone will have a different experience in their recovery from COVID-19. Some people may recover in days, some in weeks. For others, it could be months. But although each case is unique, people recovering from more severe symptoms are likely to face a longer recovery period.

Self Isolating


If you need your normal medications Medplus can supply a prescription and your community pharmacy will deliver them to you.

Please book a phone or video consultation if you have other issues.

Hopefully your family and friends will drop off groceries and supplies to you whilst you self-isolate. You can also arrange contactless delivery of essentials. You can not use click and collect facilities.

If you need practical support, you can call the COVID-19 Welfare phone line on 0800 512 337, 7 days a week. If you cannot manage with help from friends and family, the COVID-19 Welfare phone line can help you with:


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